Pregnant with Nothing: Apophatic Prayer
9th - 10th August 2025

When the soul is unified and there enters into total self-abnegation,

then she finds God as in Nothing.

It appeared to a man as in a dream – it was a waking dream – 

that he became pregnant with Nothing

like a woman with child, and in that Nothing God was born…


Meister Eckhart, Mystical Sermon 19.


About this Formation Offering

In this Mystic Heart formation offering, we will delve into the Christian tradition of apophatic prayer. We will continue to develop a hermeneutic of beholding for interpreting mystical texts by authors such as Denys the Areopagite, Meister Eckhart, Marguerite Porete, the Helfta Mystics, Jan van Ruusbroec, the Cloud of Unknowing author, John of the Cross and many others. Our focus will be on the language of apophatic prayer such as nothing, nada, cloud of unknowing, darkness, abyss and emptiness. Also, we will ponder the nature of the “apophatic self”, “apophatic knowing” and its meaning for an evolutionary world. Through beholding communally, we will enter into the depthless depths of apophatic metaphors, into the evolutionary flow of how the prayer of the author, the writing, the reading, and the prayer of the reader, one together, unfold and awaken ever revealing apophatic wisdom. 

Attention will be given to how spiritual directors may be naturally at home with apophatic language and create an atmosphere in the spiritual direction encounter that enables apophatic knowing to arise into conscious awareness without limiting its ongoing revelatory power. We will continue to awaken new sensitivities to the endless possibilities how the Spirit opens us to unitive participatory love knowing. Emphasis is on claiming the ontological space of contemplation and nurturing the oneing heart awareness that arises in stillness and silence. 

The presentations and processes will assist participants to sensitively go deeper into their own inner journey, so they can lovingly companion themselves and others into the depthless depths of divine-human intimacy encountered apophatically. 

In the light of contemplation, we will cultivate a confidential, trustworthy, and sacred spaciousness, which includes enhancing contemplative presence to each other and fostering communion consciousness. 

It is essential that participants have a routine of contemplative prayer, are in spiritual direction, and participate in regular retreats.

Course Overview

This course will be offered online as an intensive over two days.  Each day will consist of: 

– three teaching sessions of 90 minutes where, drawing on the original mystical texts within their respective contexts, Kerrie will  guide a meditation and offer a teaching, explaining these texts  in relation to their wisdom and praxis for spiritual directors as well as for deepening in the mystical life.

– morning, afternoon and evening guided meditation developing and practicing ways of prayer that are an expression of this wisdom.

– opportunity for heart dialogue in confidential, trustworthy, sacred spaciousness where participants are safe to explore the depths of the Spirit’s drawing. 

– two follow up zoom sessions to enable the  integration and stabilising of the learnings.  Dates for these sessions to be announced early 2025.

About Learning in the Mystical Heart

We will cultivate attention and presence to enable our  community to embrace the online learning environement in an embodied and safe way.  Support will be offered to all participants unfamiliar with the digital spaces we will use.   Foundational to our work online is a loving and intentional participation in what Teilhard de Chardin described as the noosphere, that is, the  emergent new consciousness of oneness and of oneing we are experiencing at this time.  Indeed, we will plunge into the depths of this evolving new consciousness in the wholeness in Christ,  aided by the technology available to us at this time, so as to activate our human energies and stabilise our community of  Mystical Heart in the heart of the Trinity.

Booking and Accomodation Details

The course will begin on Saturday 9th August at 9.00am and will conclude on Sunday 10th August, 2025 at 5.00pm.  The course is offered face to face and online.  

Face to Face 

We have booked the beautiful Santa Casa Retreat Centre, Queenscliff, Victoria for three nights, from Friday 8th August, after lunch and departure Monday morning 12th August. The weekend will be offered as a silent retreat. The cost will be $875.00 and will include three nights accomodation two days of teachings, two follow up zoom sessions, course materials, recordings of all sessions in an online private course portal, and all meals (vegetarian meals prepared fresh onsite). Limited rooms are available

Please register your place by paying a deposit of $50.00 through the box “Register Here” below.


The Course will be offered online from Santa Casa.  The cost is $445.00 and includes two days of teaching, two follow up zoom sessions, course materials and recordings of all sessions in an online private course portal.  

Please register your place by paying a deposit of $50.00 through the box “Register Here” below.

Final payment will be due 1 June 2025.    We warmly invite inquiries and questions, which can be made by emailing Robyn Fitzgerald at