In an atmosphere of prayerful silence, we will withdraw into the depths of our heart to create a communion consciousness in the noosphere. Together, we will ponder the contemplative seeing from oneness in Luminous Presence. In teachings offered by Dr Kerrie Hide, we will focus on the oneing of the Luminous Energies of love. We will draw on a number of mystics, including Mechthild of Magdeburg, Hadewijch of Brabant, The Cloud of Unknowing, Swāmī Abhishiktānanda and Beatrice Bruteau. Ever attentive to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit enflaming our hearts, we will draw out implications for creation’s evolutionary flow into Oneness in Love.
This retreat is offered online, with meditation and teachings offered each morning, 9.30 – 11.00am. In these teachings, Kerrie explores the original mystical texts within their respective contexts, and develops ways of prayer that are an expression of this wisdom. These teachings support the mystical path to oneness in the energies of love in the Trinity in contemplation.
Guided meditations from 4.00 – 4.45pm teach detailed ways of meditation that enhance contemplation so as to stabilise being able to see from oneness in Luminous Presence. Loving attention will be given to the breath and the body.
Spiritual direction will be available every day.
The cost of this retreat is $350.00 and includes retreat resources, spiritual direction and access to recordings of daily teachings. Please register by making this payment by May 13th, 2021. A flyer for this retreat is available here.
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