Schola Contemplatio

This section which I have named “Schola Contemplatio,” echoes the description of “schola”
that Beatrice Bruteau emphasises, as someone who studies contemplatively by giving her or
himself to the leisure of silence and the joy of creation. Here I present teachings and courses that we are
offering that aim to assist us to take the writings of the mystics deeper into our heart so that
words may continue to form in our understanding. This way of studying involves pondering,
musing, ruminating in how we may become more sensitive to the movement of the Holy
Spirit within our research. 

Teachings on the Mystics

Sublime Love: A Weekend Retreat with Andrew Harvey, 2024

Come to mirror Love’s sublime nature

Who is so tender that at every hour

She drowns in Love what people do to her

Be it pleasure or pain, good or evil.


Hadewijch of Antwerp, Love is Everything, 

trans. Andrew Harvey

We, Andrew Harvey and Kerrie Hide invite you into a birthing process, into the ever-deeper experience of the oneing of sublime Love.  Andrew will turn to one of the midwives of this process, Hadewijch of Antwerp and speak of her vast realization.  Kerrie will draw us into the flowing light of embodied love through the illuminations of Mechthild of Magdeburg.  Both Andrew and Kerrie will then harness the energies of Love through the writings of Teilhard de Chardin who reminds us:

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,

we shall harness for God the energies of love,

and then, for a second time in the history of the world,

humanity will have discovered fire.

Teilhard de Chardin, Towards the Future

Let us as a community discover this fire together, as a communion of souls pouring out our hearts in love. We will intentionally enter into the fiery flow of amorizing love and contribute to creating more intense union and communion in the noosphere.

Heart dialogue between Andrew and Kerrie, facilitated by Robyn Fitzgerald, will create a safe and spaciously ecstatic field that can deepen and expand into a communal heart dialogue, centered in and flowing from within Omega. In harmony, as a community of lovers, we will surrender into the evolutionary holocaust of amorizing love that is fashioning a new, profound potential for communal healing, transformation and peace.

Please feel free to invite your friends to join us in our desire to strengthen and refresh you in your journey into love and into being a birthing field yourself, of Christ consciousness in the noosphere.

O you pouring God in your Gift!

O you flowing God in your Minne!

O you burning God in your Yearning!

O you melting God in union with your Beloved!

O you resting God in my Breast! 

We cannot live without You.


Mechthild of Magdeburg, The Flowing Light of the Divine,

trans. Kerrie Hide


Courses on Spiritual Direction and Contemplation

Mystical Heart: Spiritual Direction in the Light of Contemplation
Spiritual Direction Formation Programme for spiritual directors and contemplatives
10-11th August 2024
Santa Casa Queenscliff Victoria and Online

To love God in God, for in this union the soul is ardently absorbed in love of God and

Godingreat ardour surrendersGod?sself tothesoul.?

John of theCross, The Living Flame of Love, 3.82.


Drawing on great mystical classics from the Western and Orthodox traditions, in this Mystic Heart formation offering, we will explore the Christian tradition of mystical union, delving into  language such as the prayer of union, transformation of the soul in God, the unitive way, ecstatic union, mystical marriage, oneing, living in Christ, Trinitarian indwelling, boundless fulfilment, beatific vision, and deification.  In particular we will focus on the naturally kenotic nature of contemplative prayer and the nuances of language such as yielding, surrendering, releasing, descending, emptying, voiding, abandoning, pouring and flowing.  Attention will also begiven to the sacred role of suffering in this transforming union. 

In communion, within a trustworthy sacred space, we will expand and deepen our emphasis on the nuances of the transformation of consciousness that occur through contemplation.  With a focus on mystical union, we will further sensitize to the intricacies of the inter-relationship between the sensual knowing of the bodily senses, the sexual energies of eros, the spiritual vivaciousness of the mystical senses, the ecstasy of mystical union and the apophatic intuition that arises from yielding into the unknown in God in the oneing of Love.  

Attention will be given to how spiritual directors may facilitate, in the spiritual direction encounter, the dissolving of binary thought patterns that compartmentalize ways of knowing, awaken new sensitivities to the touchings of Spirit, finetune the artistry of discernment, and support the one praying in surrendering into an ever deepening and expanding, evolving, oneing in Love.  

   For further information, please feel free to contact Robyn Fitzgerald (

Mystical Heart Teachings for Course Participants 2024

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Mystical Heart Teachings for Course Participants 2023

Mystical Heart Teachings for Course Participants 2022

Mystical Heart Teachings for Course Participants 2021

Mystical Heart Teachings for Course Participants 2020

Previous Years Teachings on the Mystics

A Heart Cloven: Three Hours Beholding with Julian of Norwich
with Veronica Mary Rolf, May 2023

And there, our good lorde showed a fair and delectable place

large enough for all humankind to rest in peace and love.

Julian of Norwich,  A Shewing of Love, Revelation 10


These teachings were given in celebration of 650 years of the Revelations of Julian of Norwich. To begin this three-hour immersion in Julian, Veronica offers an overview of Julian’s life and revelations, focusing on Julian’s mystical experience of the blessed Trinity and the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as her sublime theology of the unconditional love and mercy of God. Veronica will also delve into the deeper meaning of the most famous words associated with Julian: “All Shall be Well”. 

In the middle phase, Kerrie explores the beauty of Julian’s way of contemplation.  She beholds Julian’s ripening teachings about prayer, beginning in Julian’s earliest account of her shewings, drawing on the compilation of the Westminster text, and then tracing her teachings about how “prayer oneth the soule to God” in her longer manuscript.  Together, as a communion, we enter into Julian’s way of beholding, exploring how our deepest wounds become the ground of oneing, and participate in the ground of the enfolding, enclosing, beclosing, oneing of Love’s Trinity. 

Guided by Julian, in the final hour, Veronica, Kerrie, and Robyn engage in dialogue as beholding, as contemplation.  They enact the deep meaning of dialogue as dia-logos, “heart conversation through the Word”.  Veronica and Kerrie behold and speak from the ground of the heart, from the indwelling Word, who is flowing through, releasing the wisdom of mutual indwelling.  Thus, from the ground of immersion in the flow of oneing love, as “trewe loverse”, this dialogue illuminates in ever new ways Julian’s wisdom for today and the evolving future.   

Beatrice Bruteau and Neo-Feminine Consciousness
Omega Australia Conference, 2020

“We are coming to know the Sacred Heart from the inside, inside his consciousness, and inside our consciousness.  And our ‘inside’ comes to be more and more coincident with his ‘inside’.  His Heart is becoming the heart of our heart.” 

Beatrice Bruteau, Radical Optimism,  98. 

These teachings were given at the Omega Australia Conference, 2020, “The Life and Vision of Beatrice Bruteau: Awakening Neo-Feminine Consciousness in Our Time”.  In two lectures, I introduce the writings of the renowned scientist, scholar and mystic, Beatrice Bruteau, before exploring her invitation to awaken into a new era of consciousness.

Teaching One

Teaching Two

Please click on the images above to listen to and download the audio lectures

Margaret Holgate, I Sleep But My Heart is Awake

Let that meek darkness be a mirror

and your mind whole.

Think no further of yourself,

than I beg you do of God,

so that you be one with God in spirit

without scattering or distractions in your mind.

Cloud of Unknowing seer, Book of Privy Counselling, 136: 7.

Communion Consciousness in Christian Meditation
Teachings from the WCCM Victoria Conference, Nov. 2020

These teachings were given as part of the Christian Meditation Conference, on the theme of communion consciousness in Christian Meditation. The first reflection, I Sleep But My Heart is Awake, explores our desire to be one with God in contemplation. The second reflection, An Awake Heart, focuses on the wisdom knowing of the heart. The third, Communion in the Heart of Hearts, ponders how communion consciousness arises when we connect with each other heart centre to heart centre. The final reflection, Nurturing Communion Consciousness, looks at how the maranatha energy field helps foster Christ consciousness in the noosphere.  


I also invite you to enjoy contemplatio with a selection of paintings from Margaret’s Retrospective, which are available here