Communion Consciousness in Christian Meditation Teachings from the WCCM Victoria Conference, Nov. 2020

Margaret Holgate, 

I Sleep but My Heart is Awake.



Let that meek darkness be a mirror

and your mind whole.

Think no further of yourself,

than I beg you do of God,

so that you be one with God in spirit

without scattering or distractions in your mind.

Cloud of Unknowing seer, Book of Privy Counselling, 136: 7.

These teachings were given as part of the Christian Meditation Conference, on the theme of communion consciousness in Christian Meditation. The first reflection, I Sleep But My Heart is Awake, explores our desire to be one with God in contemplation. The second reflection, An Awake Heart, focuses on the wisdom knowing of the heart. The third, Communion in the Heart of Hearts, ponders how communion consciousness arises when we connect with each other heart centre to heart centre. The final reflection, Nurturing Communion Consciousness, looks at how the maranatha energy field helps foster Christ consciousness in the noosphere.  I invite you to click on each image to listen to these four teachings. 

Teaching One

I Sleep but my heart is awake

Margaret Holgate, 

My Soul is Thirsting For You. (Ps 63)

Teaching Two

An Awake Heart

Margaret Holgate, 

Always be wanting peace (Heb 11:14)

Teaching Three

Communion in the Heart of Hears

Margaret Holgate, 

His Faithfulness endures from age to age. (Ps 110)

Teaching Four

Nurturing Communion consciousness

Margaret Holgate, 

Timeless Lake Boga

The reflections conclude with an invitation to gaze at Margaret Holgate’s  exquisite painting,  “He Shaped This Too”.    I invite you to enjoy this gazing.