Sublime Love
A Weekend Retreat on Zoom with Andrew Harvey and Kerrie Hide
Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st April, 2024, 9.00am – 4.00pm (Sydney AEST)
Friday, 19th -Saturday 20th April, 2024, 6.00pm – 1.00am (Chicago, CDT)
Come to mirror Love’s sublime nature
Who is so tender that at every hour
She drowns in Love what people do to her
Be it pleasure or pain, good or evil.
Hadewijch of Antwerp, Love is Everything, trans Andrew Harvey
![Swans for sublime love Swans for sublime love](
O you pouring God in your Gift!
O you flowing God in your Minne!
O you burning God in your Yearning!
O you melting God in union with your Beloved!
O you resting God in my Breast!
We cannot live without You.
Mechthild of Magdeburg, The Flowing Light of the Divine, trans Kerrie Hide
About this Retreat
We, Andrew Harvey and Kerrie Hide invite you into a birthing process, into the ever-deeper experience of the oneing of sublime Love. Andrew will turn to one of the midwives of this process, Hadewijch of Antwerp and speak of her vast realization. Kerrie will draw us into the flowing light of embodied love through the illuminations of Mechthild of Magdeburg. Both Andrew and Kerrie will then harness the energies of Love through the writings of Teilhard de Chardin who reminds us:
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God the energies of love,
and then, for a second time in the history of the world,
humanity will have discovered fire.
Teilhard de Chardin, Towards the Future
Let us as a community discover this fire together, as a communion of souls pouring out our hearts in love. We will intentionally enter into the fiery flow of amorizing love and contribute to creating more intense union and communion in the noosphere. Heart dialogue between Andrew and Kerrie, facilitated by Robyn Fitzgerald, will create a safe and spaciously ecstatic field that can deepen and expand into a communal heart dialogue, centered in and flowing from within Omega. In harmony, as a community of lovers, we will surrender into the evolutionary holocaust of amorizing love that is fashioning a new, profound potential for communal healing, transformation and peace. Please feel free to invite your friends to join us in our desire to strengthen and refresh you in your journey into love and into being a birthing field yourself, of Christ consciousness in the noosphere.
Overview of the Two Days
For further information and for a timetable of the two days, please click here
Booking Details
The retreat will begin on Saturday 20th April at 8.45am and will conclude on Sunday 21st April, 2024 at 4.00pm.
Because of the importance of the adventure we are taking, we have set the cost as low as possible so as to encourage as many of you as possible to join us.
Cost: $200.00
A recording will be made available to all who register.
About Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker, and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises. It encourages participants to become inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change to create peace and sustainability. Andrew has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the California Institute of Integral Studies, the University of Creation Spirituality, and at various spiritual centers throughout the U.S. He was the subject of the 1993 BBC documentary The Making of a Modern Mystic, and also appears in Rumi Turning Ecstatic and The Consciousness of the Christ: Reclaiming Christ for a New Humanity. He is co-author of the bestselling The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and has worked with the great Iranian Sufi dancer, Banafsheh Sayyad, in producing a film, In the Fire of Grace, which marries Sufi-inspired dances to the stages of Rumi’s understanding of the path of divine love. He has written or edited over 40 books and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award. To explore Andrew’s sacred activism work and numerous writings, visit:
The more dangerous the time the more essential the flowerings
of our deepest creativity.
The wisdom traditions guide us to the roots of this flowering
in the mystery of our divine identity and its hidden evolutionary expansion.
Come on this journey into the new birth
and let us all become more expansive fields together.
Andrew Harvey
About Kerrie Hide
Kerrie Hide is a mystical theologian, spiritual director, retreat giver and independent scholar whose lifelong work interweaves theological, scholarly and deep heart wisdom about contemplation from the Christian mystical tradition. Immersed in the soteriology of Julian of Norwich for over forty years, her book, Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfilment: The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich, won first prize in the Catholic Press Awards. Kerrie’s most recent book, Love’s Oneing: A Book about Contemplation, develops and deepens this foundational work on soteriology. Writing about Love’s Oneing, Ilia Delio, says, “This is a beautiful book on every page….The title “Oneing” is apt for this constant search for love, not merely a human search, but a divine search as well. For God is seeking to become One with us, to become more in us, a divine-created newness in love.” Mark Burrows writes, Hide “offers us a spiritual feast for heart and mind as well. I found myself pausing repeatedly as I read these densely hewn chapters, caught up in moments of discovery and startled into the experience of awe…” To explore Kerrie’s numerous writings on contemplation, visit:
When the eternal consciousness of oneing awakens within us,
a rich, vivid tapestry of inter-relatedness and inter-connection emerges.
On this weekend, we will feel our bodies, our hearts, our minds,
open into a limitlessness as we become one in Christ Omega, one with each other,
one with the earth, one in the multi-verse.
Help us birth this oneing where everything belongs.
Kerrie Hide