
Love's Oneing: A Book About Contemplation
Love’s Oneing ponders the beauty of contemplation as oneing. The book celebrates our oneness with God and the growing realization that we live within the dynamism of love’s oneing. Gazing through the lens of nine mystical authors, Julian of Norwich, the Cloud of Unknowing author, Meister Eckhart, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Clare of Assisi, John of the Cross, Teilhard de Chardin, Beatrice Bruteau and Ilia Delio, the book sensitively offers nuanced insight into the marriage of kenosis and desire in contemplation, giving this voice in contemporary language. With the delicate eye of a spiritual director immersed in mystical literature, Kerrie situates these mystical teachings within contemplative prayer, whilst offering a scholarly exploration of each mystic’s teaching about contemplation, highlighting key moments in contemplation that when surrendered into, open into divine love. She explores how these trustworthy mystical classics lay a foundation for the evolutionary growth of a oneing heart wisdom that fosters unitive and communion consciousness. Born of contemplative wisdom, Love’s Oneing makes a unique contribution to writings about contemplation at a time when the recovery of the mystical dimension of life is crucial for the future in this climate crisis moment. Love’s Oneing speaks to those who feel drawn to explore the contemplative path and those with a maturing practice of contemplation.
Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfilment: The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich
“In a fascinating story, wonderfully told, Kerrie Hide sets out the full scope of Julian’s understanding of human life as created, sustained and fulfilled in the context of the free, playful and compassionate being of God…This book is a compelling read for anyone interested in spiritual life, in prayer, in human hope, or in new ways of thinking about God. And, of course, it is a ‘must’ for all lovers of Julian!” Graeme Garret, Charles Sturt University, Australia.
“Keen historical awareness and a broad theological vision join with a deep spirituality to make this a delightful book.5 Many Christians today , especially if dispirited in the struggles of the times, will thank Kerrie Hide for enabling Dame Julian to speak a message of hope to them from six hundred years ago. This beautifully written book will also be a fine resource for theologians.” Tony Kelly, C.Sr. R. Australian Catholic University.
“Kerrie Hide’s presentation of Julian’s theology of salvation is marked by three particular strengths. Her exposition is based on a close reading of the text of the Showings, aided by a keen sensitivity to the nuances of fourteenth-century English. Secondly, she endeavours to bring into clear synthesis, the many intuitive, imaginative and unsystematic statements by which Julian gives expression to her thought. Finally, she puts Julian into dialogue with our own times, by making well judged links to contemporary insights” Father Michael Casey, O.S.C.O Tarrawarra Abbey, Australia,
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